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The Idearium Open Telemetry implementation.


$ yarn add @idearium/telemetry


node --require @idearium/telemetry server.js


You must have a few environment variables present in order for this package to do anything:

  • TARGET_ENV must be set to something other than local.
  • TRACE_EXPORTER_ACCOUNT_EMAIL must be set to the email of a service account on Google Cloud.
  • TRACE_EXPORTER_ACCOUNT_SECRET must be set to the private key of a service account on Google Cloud.
  • TRACE_EXPORTER_PROJECT_ID must be set to a Project ID on Google Cloud.

You can also have the following optional environment variables:

  • OPENTELEMETRY_DEBUG set to 'true' if you want to enable Open Telemetry debugging output in the console.
  • SVC should be set to the name of the app/service to include this information along with the request.

Please note: this package hasn't been designed to run locally.


There are a few extra features for this package.

traceId middleware

If you'd like to expose a x-trace-id header with the traceId for a particular request, you can do so like this:

const traceId = require('@idearium/telemetry/middleware/trace-id');

const bootstrapExpress = (opts) =>
new Promise((resolve) => {'Bootstrapping express');

const { app } = opts;


return resolve(opts);

Each request that generates a trace ID, will now include the ID in the x-trace-id response header.