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Redis connection defaults.


$ yarn add -E @idearium/redis

Beta installation

If you need to install a beta version, you can:

$ yarn add -E @idearium/redis@beta


The following will always return a new Redis connection.

const redis = require('@idearium/redis');

const connection = redis();

To return an existing redis connection:

const existingConnection = redis({ reuse: true });

This module relies on the following environment variables:

  • CACHE_URL which should be a Redis connection string.


This module can be configured with the following optional environment variables:

  • REDIS_RETRY_DELAY which defaults to 2000.
  • REDIS_RETRY_LIMIT which defaults to 10.

You can also pass in an options object to further configure ioredis. See the ioredis documentation for configuration options.


Self-signed certificates

This example shows how to use @idearium/certs to load a self-signed certificate and pass it to redis to allow making secure connections to Redis instances protected with self-signed certificates.

const redis = require('@idearium/redis');
const { loadProvidedCerts } = require('@idearium/certs');

module.exports = async () => {

const certs = await loadProvidedCerts('/ssl/redis');
const opts = certs.length ? { tls: { ca: certs } } : {};

return redis(opts);



This package uses @idearium/log. Follow the docs on how to configure it as required.