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A library to make working with Kue painless.


$ yarn add -E @idearium/kue

Beta installation

If you need to install a beta version, you can:

$ yarn add -E @idearium/kue@beta


const connect = require('@idearium/kue/create-queue');



This module must be provided a prefix used to isolate Redis entries. It can be configured as an environment variable KUE_PREFIX=customprefix or it can be provided as an options object:

const connect = require('@idearium/kue/create-queue');

connect({ prefix: 'customprefix' });

You can also pass in an options object to further configure Kue. See the Kue documentation for configuration options.


This package uses @idearium/redis. Follow the docs on how to configure and use it:

const redis = require('@idearium/redis');
const connect = require('@idearium/kue/create-queue);

connect({ redis: { createClientFactory: () => redis({ host: 'remote.redis.instance', port: 6379 }) } });


This package uses @idearium/log. Follow the docs on how to configure it as required.