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Easily load custom and OS certificate authority certs into Node.js.


$ yarn add -E @idearium/certs

Beta installation

If you need to install a beta version, you can:

$ yarn add -E @idearium/certs@beta



Use the loadCerts function to load multiple certificates and keys from a directory structure.

Given the following directory structure:


loadCerts will return the following:

ca: [ 'ca.crt content' ],
certs: {
amqp: { crt: 'amqp.crt content', key: 'amqp.key content' },
redis: { crt: 'redis.crt content', key: 'redis.key content' }

By default, it will look for custom certs in the /ssl directory but this can easily be changed:

const { loadCerts } = require('@idearium/certs');

await loadCerts('/certs');


loadCerts has the following expectations:

  • It will load CA certs in the ca directory, relative to the directory provided to it. If the directory doesn't exist, it will ignored.
  • It will only load files with .crt and .key extensions.


Use the loadOsCerts function to OS provided certs:

const { loadOsCerts } = require('@idearium/certs');

await loadOsCerts();