Idearium Lib is group of es6 packages built by Idearium for Idearium. We use these packages across all of our development work and applications on a daily basis. You'll find most of these packages on NPM.
The Idearium Lib repository is a monorepo. It features all of our packages. We use Yarn's workspaces feature to make it easy to manage multiple packages in one Git repository.
Each package is individually versioned. We don't version the entire repository.
We use semver for versioning, however, each version is prefixed with the package is corresponds to, for example, @idearium/lists-v1.0.0
You can find all of our releases on GitHub.
We use GitHub Actions and workflows to test our packages and publish them at the appropriate time.
Each package has a workflow to handle the idiosyncrasies of each particular package.
You can find all of our releases on GitHub.
The Idearium Lib docs are auto deployed whenever there is a change made and the PR is merged into the main branch (master).